AspPDF's text drawing methods such as PdfCanvas.DrawText expect Unicode text strings. However, text strings that come from databases are often UTF-8 encoded and need to be converted to Unicode before they can be passed to AspPDF. Otherwise, stray characters may appear in the PDF output.This article explains how to convert a UTF-8 encoded string to Unicode using the ADODB.Stream object.
The following function employing the ADODB.Stream object converts a UTF-8 encoded string to Unicode:Function Utf8ToUnicode(strText)
With CreateObject("ADODB.Stream").Open
.Charset = "Windows-1252".WriteText strText
.Position = 0
.Type = 2 ' adTypeText
.Charset = "utf-8"Utf8ToUnicode = .ReadText(-1) 'adReadAll
End With
End Function
This function can be used as follows:
set rs = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
rs.Open "select * from test_table", objConn, 3, 2Dim strField: strField = rs("content")
Dim strUnicode: strUnicode = Utf8ToUnicode( strField )' AspPDF call
objPage.Canvas.DrawText strUnicode, "x=10; y=100", objFont