Persits Software, Inc. Knowledge Base Articles

Article: PS080917173

Number of entries not found after xref error

Problem Description

When trying to open a PDF document created with Acrobat 9 (and sometimes also with earlier versions of Acrobat and non-Adobe software) with AspPDF, one of the following errors may occur:

Number of entries not found after xref.

xref keyword not found, this document does not conform to PDF specs.

End of file reached.


The Adobe PDF 1.5 specifications introduced a major change in the PDF format involving compressed cross-reference tables and compressed object streams. These new specifications were not widely adopted until the release of Adobe Acrobat 9.0.

AspPDF 1.7 and earlier did not recognize the new PDF constructs, hence the errors. AspPDF 1.8 and later do support them. Please download the latest version of AspPDF from here.

For bug reports and questions, please contact us at

Created: 9/17/2008 • Last Modified: 1/7/2009