Persits Software, Inc. Knowledge Base Articles

Article: PS070927165

Retrieving the COM class factory failed due to the following error: 80070005

Problem Description

When trying to create an instance of a Persits component under .NET the following error occurs:

Retrieving the COM class factory for component with CLSID {<GUID>} failed due to the following error: 80070005.

<GUID> is one of the following values, depending on the component being created:

{794D671E-F0F0-11D2-BEB0-009027438003} (AspEmail)
{B72DF070-28A4-11D3-BF19-009027438003} (AspEncrypt)
{6A3450E6-BE0A-45A1-815B-9A4494D1CCBF} (AspGrid)
{FC7A96B0-4DEC-11D4-9C83-0080ADA78DDF} (AspJpeg)
{88578679-272B-40C0-B1FD-C3409381A450} (AspPDF)
{B4E1B2EC-151B-11D2-926A-006008123235} (AspUpload)
{D474601E-C057-11D2-97CD-006008123235} (AspUser)


This is an NTFS permission problem. Using Windows Explorer, right-click on the appropriate component DLL (such as aspupload.dll) on the server's hard drive, select Properties/Security, and give the "Everyone" account Full Control over it.


This article applies to AspUpload, AspEmail, AspJpeg, AspGrid, AspEncrypt, AspUser, and AspPDF.
Created: 9/27/2007 • Last Modified: 9/27/2007