Persits Software, Inc. Knowledge Base Articles

Article: PS051128153

AspUpload crashes when used from Macromedia Flash 8

Problem Description

When trying to upload files from with Macromedia Flash 8 applets, AspUpload crashes and occasionally causes IIS to abnormally terminate.


Version 8 of Macromedia Flash includes a file upload feature which allows a user to upload files from within a Flash applet instead of a multipart/form-data form. Due to what we believe to be a bug in the Macromedia Flash 8 implementation of file uploads, the data stream generated by such Flash applets is formatted differently than all major browser implementations, and that irregularity causes AspUpload to crash.

The AspUpload service release (patch) fixes this problem. Download it here.

Created: 11/28/2005 • Last Modified: 11/28/2005