Persits Software, Inc. Knowledge Base Articles

Article: PS030603107

BUG: Microsoft Q811114 hotfix breaks file downloads via SendBinary

Problem Description

After applying Microsoft hot fix Q811114, the method SendBinary used for file downloading stops working properly. Instead of displaying the filename of a file being downloaded, the Save As dialog box displays the filename of the download script, such as download.asp.


A bug in the method SendBinary contributing to this problem has been found and fixed. The new version (AspUpload is available for downloading here.

A fix for the AspUpload versions 1.x and 2.x will NOT be released. If you are still using AspUpload 1.x or 2.x, you should either remove hotfix Q811114 or upgrade to AspUpload 3.0.

Note that Windows 2000 Service Pack 4 includes this hotfix.

Keywords: microsoft patch hot fix Q811114 SendBinary filename wrong name extension MS service pack sp4 download hotfix download.asp asp .asp

Created: 6/3/2003 • Last Modified: 8/6/2003