Persits Software, Inc. Knowledge Base Articles

Article: PS021122103

The user name could not be found when calling ChangePassword

Problem Description

When running the code sample ChangePassword.asp on Windows 2000, the following error may occur on the line where the method ChangePassword is called:

Persits.AspUser.1 (0x800A0017)
The user name could not be found.
/aspusermanager/ChangePassword.asp, line 31


The error occurs because the Domain argument passed to the method AU.ChangePassword is empty. Modify line 31 as follows:

AU.ChangePassword AU.GetComputerName, UserName, Request("OldPass"), Request("Pass1")


AU.ChangePassword AU.GetDomainName, UserName, Request("OldPass"), Request("Pass1")

Created: 11/22/2002 • Last Modified: 11/22/2002