Persits Software, Inc. Knowledge Base Articles

Article: PS02061296

Server object error 8007007e when calling Server.CreateObject

Problem Description

When trying to create an instance of a Persits component, the line of code

Set obj = Server.CreateObject("Persits. <ProgID> ")

generates the following error:

Server object, ASP 0177 (0x8007007E)


Server object error 'ASP 0177 : 8007007e'
Server.CreateObject Failed


In most cases, this means that the component DLL has been deleted from the location on the server where it was originally registered, although the component has not been unregistered prior to deletion.

You should either reinstall the component by running the setup, or place the component DLL on the server and register it using the regsvr32 command-line utility, for example:

c:\>regsvr32 c:\path\aspupload.dll

(you must use your component's appropriate path and file name).

The correct Persits component ProgID's and file names are listed in the following table:

Name File ProgID
AspEmail aspemail.dll "Persits.MailSender"
AspEncrypt aspencrypt.dll "Persits.CryptoManager"
AspGrid aspgrid.dll "Persits.Grid"
AspJpeg aspjpeg.dll "Persits.Jpeg"
AspUpload aspupload.dll "Persits.Upload"
AspUser aspuser.dll "Persits.AspUser"
XUpload xupload.ocx "Persits.XUpload"
AspPDF asppdf.dll "Persits.PDF"


This article applies to AspUpload, AspEmail, AspJpeg, AspGrid, AspEncrypt, AspUser, XUpload, and AspPDF.
Created: 6/12/2002 • Last Modified: 2/24/2004