Persits Software, Inc. Knowledge Base Articles

Article: PS02041192

HOWTO: Renaming uploaded files

Problem Description

By default, AspUpload always saves uploaded files under their original names. This article describes two methods to rename the files.


The following code samples rename a single uploaded file using the current session ID. You can use your own naming scheme instead.

Method 1: Save to disk, then copy

Set Upload = Server.CreateObject("Persits.Upload")

' Prevent overwriting
Upload.OverwriteFiles = False

' Save to disk
Upload.Save "c:\upload"

' Use session ID as the new file name
NewName = Session.SessionID

For Each File in Upload.Files
   File.Copy "c:\upload\" & NewName & File.ext
   Response.Write "New name: " & NewName & File.ext & "<BR>"

Method 2: Save to memory, then call SaveAs

Set Upload = Server.CreateObject("Persits.Upload")

' Prevent overwriting
Upload.OverwriteFiles = False

' We use memory uploads, so limit file size
Upload.SetMaxSize 1000000, true

' Save to memory

' Use session ID as the new file name
NewName = Session.SessionID

For Each File in Upload.Files
   File.SaveAs "c:\upload\" & NewName & File.ext
   Response.Write "New name: " & File.FileName & "<BR>"

Note that these code samples are based on AspUpload 3.0+. Older versions of AspUpload can be used as well, but certain changes would have to be made to the script.

Created: 4/11/2002 • Last Modified: 12/15/2010