Persits Software, Inc. Knowledge Base Articles

Article: PS02032190

Common installation problems

Problem Description

This article describes several common problems that arise when running setup applications for the Persits Software products.

Note: Information in this article is currently obsolete.


The Persits Software products are all downloadable from their respective web sites as self-extracting archive files containing an InstallShield application which installs the product along with code samples and documentation.

The setup file names are: aspemail.exe, aspencrypt.exe, aspgrid.exe, aspjpeg.exe, aspupload.exe, aspuser.exe, jupload.exe, and xupload.exe.

The following problems may arise when running the setup:

1. A different application comes up when the setup icon is clicked.

A Persits setup extracts all files and then executes the file setup.exe. If the folder you placed the setup file in already contains a file setup.exe, there is a chance it will be executed instead of the setup's own setup.exe file.

To fix this problem, place the setup file in a separate empty folder and run it again.

2. Setup hangs when stopping or restarting an IIS service.

As part of the installation process, a Persits setup offers to shut down and restart all IIS-related services including w3svc, smtpsvc, ftpsvc, etc.

Sometimes a particular service refuses to respond to a stop or restart request which may hang the install.

To fix the problem, we recommend that you reboot the machine and shut down the IIS services manually before running the setup, by executing the following command at the MS DOS prompt:

c:\>net stop iisadmin /y

Once the setup is run, you may restart the services manually either from the DOS prompt or through the Control Panels/Services utility.

3. Setup refuses to run altogether.
In rare cases, the setup may display a run-time error and close. We attribute this to a bug in InstallShield.

If this happens, try to run the setup on a different machine, then move the extracted DLL (such as aspupload.dll) to the machine where the setup failed to run and register the DLL manually using the command line utility regsvr32. The documentation and sample directories may also be moved manually.

Created: 3/21/2002 • Last Modified: 1/16/2007