Persits Software, Inc. Knowledge Base Articles

Article: PS02022586

800A0001 Unspecified error

Problem Description

When uploading files with AspUpload 3.0 (and higher), the following error may be thrown by the Save method:

Persits.Upload.1 (0x800A0001)
Unspecified error


In most cases it means that your upload script uses Request.Form or Request.QueryString prior to calling Upload.Save . As a result, the BinaryRead method of the Request object fails.

You must never use Request.Form in your upload script because the ENCTYPE="multipart/form-data" attribute of your form makes this collection unusable. Use Upload.Form instead. Remember, however, that the Upload.Form collection is populated by a call to Upload.Save, therefore you can only use Upload.Form after a successful call to Upload.Save.

Created: 2/25/2002 • Last Modified: 6/29/2017