Persits Software, Inc. Knowledge Base Articles

Article: PS01041238

Logon failure: the user has not been granted the requested logon type at this computer

Problem Description

When trying to impersonate a user account using the LogonUser method, the line of code

obj.LogonUser "domain", "usermame", "password"

generates the following error:

Logon failure: the user has not been granted the requested logon type at this computer.


Windows NT/IIS4

You must give the user whose name and password you are passing to the LogonUser method the privilege "Log on locally."

In Windows NT, this privilege is given using User Manager. In Windows 2000, use Local/Domain Security Policy under Administrative Tools.

It is recommended that you shut down and restart the IIS services after you grant the privilege "Log on locally" to the user you are impersonating. At an MS DOS prompt, type

net stop iisadmin /y
net start w3svc


This article applies to AspUpload, AspEmail, AspEncrypt, and AspUser.
Created: 2/8/2002 • Last Modified: 2/9/2002