Persits Software, Inc. Knowledge Base Articles

Article: PS01040433

Operation must use an updateable query error

Problem Description

When used with a MS Access database, AspGrid throws the following error messages when a record is being added or edited, although the regular display mode works well:

Persits.Grid.1 (0x800A0025)
AspGrid Insert Error. Operation must use an updateable query.


Persits.Grid.1 (0x800A0024)
AspGrid Update Error. Operation must use an updateable query.


This is an NTFS permission problem. Using Windows Explorer, give the "Everyone" account Full Control over the .mdb file containing your database.

In case you are getting this error while working with the sample database AspGrid.mdb, this file is located in the \Samples\db folder of the installation.

Created: 2/8/2002 • Last Modified: 2/9/2002